If your office is not following up on all claims to make sure they are paid correctly and in a timely manner you may be missing out on thousands of dollars per year. Most practices that have signed up with Superior Medical Billing Solutions have seen a definite increase in their monthly collections due to our continuous claim follow up procedures. Some practices have seen an increase of 15-25% in their monthly collections when Superior Medical has taken over the handling of their billing and collections.
Our billers know each individual practice and the time frames that the different insurance carriers have to pay claims. If a claim is not paid correctly in the carriers specific time frame our billers are on the phone finding out when the claim will be paid.

Collect all money due to you for the services you perform
They also make sure that secondary insurance carriers are billed for patients who have more than one insurance carrier. This is another area where practices can lose money, by not billing the secondary or tertiary insurance carriers.
Superior Medical Billing Solutions follow up process also incorporates sending out patient statements.
We have had practices that have signed with Superior who had not sent out patient statements in months, sometimes years. Patient payments can make up another 10-25% of a practices income. If you are not sending out regular monthly statements you are losing a lot of revenue each month.
If you are looking to make sure that you collect all money due to you for the services you perform, contact Superior Medical Billing Solutions at 888-520-9330 or email us directly for a free no cost medical billing consultation to see how we can help increase your monthly collections.